Sixty-Ninth Collection

Beautiful family of 5 - now they have a little baby boy to love and cherish forever. The sisters were so cooperative and happy to take photos with their little brother. This family is full of love and it shows!

Capturing siblings is always fun! It's often challenging but totally worth it. There is nothing more precious than to see all your kids in one picture.

I love it when my clients bring their dogs. This photoshoot was amazing. The location, the light, the beautiful mum to be, everything was just perfect!

Portrait Collection "Children". Kid, big lover of cars. When he came to me for a photo shoot, he saw this red car. It was love at first sight)) We had all the shots only with this red car.

Isn't he cute? This little boy came into my studio and slept like a little prince during the whole session. I was completely in love.

All the charm of this photo is about the spontaneity and the happiness of this proud mom and his beloved son.
I really enjoyed meeting them for this second photo shoot.

Every time it happens to me❣️
I sort the pictures and say it will win❣️ Not the second one will win❣️❣️ and that's how I want to publish the whole set❣️
This time I chose, one of many kinds that made me smile big, I photographed a doll❣️ Just a doll in the colors of winter ??? All so amazing❣️
The pictures just come out an artistic painting of our beautiful nature❣️
In the picture, the doll model Liv - I fell in love ???

Two friends enjoying the last days of summer.
Wildflower field and overcast made this day even more beautiful. Location :
Simcoe, Ontario Canada

Introducing baby Amayra who missed out on newborn photos because of the Covid restrictions here in Australia, so we commemorated her first birthday instead. I almost died when she looked at me like this! Cuteness that’s too much to bear!

It happens to me again ???
I feel that this picture will win❣️ This Biy name is ofek and he is amazing newborn model … he was very calm the all set???

How beautiful is Mariah! I know winter maternity is cold but the colors are so gorgeous. Nothing beats Mother Nature's backdrop!

6-year-old anniversary. It was Xiaosen's sixth birthday. We stayed in the hotel for two consecutive days. She liked the children's room of Hilton hotel very much. We took three interesting photos on the day of check-in. This is one of them.

Wearing her crown like the queen she is. Her little baby boy arrived only a few days after this took place surprising us all. He’s a happy & healthy little guy evening though he decided to join us 4 weeks early.

Wow! A tiny bunny! What are you doing? Where are you going? Take me with you! The little boy shouted. He found this cute little bunny on a tree stump and it seemed that the bunny cannot find its way home. Maybe I can help you?

This is a Fine Art Portrait of Kato, a girl of 11 years old who did her very first photoshoot! She did such a great job during the session. I wanted to create a moody portrait that goes back to the person in front of the camera and what did this turned out well. I’m so happy with the result. A pressure memory for Kato and her parents.

The story of autumn. One day in November, we realized that autumn was about to pass, so we ordered a suit of clothes for ancient scholars. It was about 10 degrees that day. Although it was a little cold, we insisted on taking the last yellow leaf of autumn.

When I look at this cute little guy, I immediately notice his cute little lips. Little baby lips are magical for a mom and dad. They have such a strong attraction that you want to touch them out of sheer love and happiness for your greatest treasure.

On this photo, this beauty is 31 weeks pregnant with her son. The little one was born some weeks later and they are going to have beautiful adventures together.

This wonderful couple expected their 4th child and wanted a special fotoshooting, something extra. They reached out for a fotografer on social media and asked for ideas. I always wanted to try out underwaterfotografy, so I contacted them. They immediately loved the idea. This picture was captured in a reshoot. The first attempt failed due to bad light conditions and low quality gear. Thankfully they gave me a second chance and we had a lot of fun practicing on a super cold summer day.

This beautiful girl Rosie was so cute and good, just like a dream. Here I placed her in the wooden heart with the cute kitten bonnet and stuffed kitten. The soft mohair material in combination with the hard wood is in perfect harmonie for this picture.

Hello, gorgeous!
This mom really shows that women are beautiful, powerful and sexy, even (or should I say especially!) when your body is changing during a pregnancy.

In this portrait, where the black and white enhances the gentle lines, the position of the hands frames the face drawing attention to the facial features.
Our gaze is captured by the eyes, which enhanced by the contrast black on white, are magnetic and make us feel as if we were under a spell.
The girl's face rests between cotton clouds that create a dreamy atmosphere.

What a beautiful evening, with a fantastic sunset that came through the trees beautifully. And then get to photograph this beautiful little (& big man), pictures like this make me so thankfull for the work I do!

This gorgeous mom to be gave me carte blanche for her maternity shoot. We had such a blast, and i love every picture that came out of this session!

When mommy came in the studio and saw the special handmade dress, she told me she would love a picture of her in it with her little princess. While I was shooting this picture, there was so much love in the studio, you could almost taste it. Mommy really adored her little princess in her handmade tutu-dress and now she has an everlasting memorie of that moment.

"Searching for Hidden Gifts". This photo tells a magical story about real miracles on Christmas. Despite being so young, little Alice was very brave! She was able to convey the right mood in the frame with such an ease and talent.

At the end of summer 21, far away from the worries of the pandemic, in an olive field in Alentejo - Portugal.
I love the light in this region at the end of the day. It's so wonderful and impossible to describe in words -you have to feel it or capture it in your photos and share it.

Nathan is a miracle baby after two loses. He doesn't even know how loved he is by his gorgeous parents. Those miracles and heartwarming stories is the reason why I do what I do

Pregnancy can feel like being suspended in time. You are thirsting for the future, yet anxious to become a mother. Sometimes it's best to just breathe in and out and enjoy the moment. - Christa Rieger, Storyweaver Studio (Atchison, Kansas)